One of the main herbs at the center of herbal learning is elderberry

Are you using elderberries in your herbal medicine making?

I sat down with Tina Glaessner, owner of Crimson Sage Nursery and herb grower for 30 years and we did a deep dive into everything possible about growing elderberry.

In about 45 minutes I think we cover it all:

  • What is the best way to get elderberry started where you live
  • What do elderberry plants need and how to take care of them when you first plant them
  • What are the best climates for growing elderberry
  • Which varieties are the best to use for medicine making
  • How long do you have to wait before you can make herbal medicine with your elderberry
  • Mistakes you want to avoid so you can get maximum berry growth for making medicines

Click here to access the How to Grow Elderberry Tutorial

I was at the grocery store the other day. There was a GIANT display of elderberry medicines with signs about how everyone needs to take elderberry to prepare for the winter.

Hundreds of thousands of families are onboarding into the world of herbs as part of their pro-active health care plan.

20 years ago, I couldn’t even have imagined how much herbs are being used now. It was the dream I had, to help people get off drugs and their damaging side effects and learn to work with herbs to support health.

I would definitely say the tide has turned, herbs are being used so much more than even 5 years ago. Herbal supplement sales increased 7.7% in 2016 alone and it is continuing to grow.

People don’t want to fall victim to medication side effects, they want to feel confident in knowing how to prevent sickness and the movement to be more connected to our food and medicine sources just keeps growing.

This is all a good thing, AND one of the main herbs at the center of all the new herbal learning is elderberry.

Ok, let’s dig into what is happening with elderberry.

Have you ever run into not being able to purchase elderberries?

More and more online distributors are running out earlier every year.

Major herb distributors are engaged in global recon missions looking for new sources for importing elderberries into the United States to meet the rapidly growing demand for elderberries.

One elderberry broker said he had orders for 40,000 more pounds than what he could fill.

Another elderberry distributor said they’ve gone on elderberry search trips to Europe to try and find more elderberries to fill their back orders and wait list. But even with the biggest imports ever from Albania, the word is: OUT OF STOCK.

For 25 years I’ve mostly harvested fresh elderberries for my home needs. But have relied on the push of a button to order dried elderberries to have enough for my students and clients. I could purchase dried elderberries any time of the year – and get as much as I wanted.

Not anymore. Those days are gone!

Elderberry syrup is one of the most popularized home remedies and now that people are really getting serious about trying to avoid the damage of medications and anti-biotics, families are seeking elderberry medicine to help them prevent winter sickness.

Our local store sells 5 oz. of elderberry syrup for $20.73. If a cold starts to brew in our house, we’ll use 20 oz. in one week. It’s simply not affordable if you are helping your entire family fight off a flu…

There are hundreds of blogs teaching how to make elderberry syrup and as the demand for elderberries continues to grow, the price of elderberries and elderberry products is just going to go up.

Why am I talking about all of this? Well as you may have guessed, I am of the opinion that we need to start growing more elderberry!

To support this effort, I created this How to Grow Elderberry audio tutorial.

Tina and I distill elderberry growing into a potent 45-minute conversation on how to get started, what you need to know about growing elderberry and how to avoid some of the common mistakes that people run into when trying to grow elderberry.

Elderberry is relatively easy to grow and maybe you’ll be able to grow your own, save a bunch of money and provide amazing medicine for your community.

Maybe it’s time to start growing elderberry in every neighborhood. I envision pharmacy gardens on every block…

Get the How to Grow Elderberry audio tutorial and see if where you live is a good fit for growing your own potent medicine.

Leave me a comment. Are you growing elderberry? Where do you live and are you able to make medicine with the elderberry you grow…


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