I come to you today with the medicine of the tea that we have been drinking to help with our smoke-filled lungs and weary hearts. This herbal tea features herbs for fire season that hydrate, help the immune system, and support lungs exposed to wildfire smoke inhalation.

During the past weeks, I have been trying to think of what I could share with you that would be supportive, helpful, nourishing…

I am not usually one for a loss of words (in case you haven’t noticed). But living 20 minutes from a firestorm propelled by 60 mph winds that burned 5,000 structures and being surrounded by people that have lost loved ones and everything they own, well, I found myself just not talking or thinking very much.

Just day by day, waiting to see where the winds would take the fire, wondering if the more than 100 missing people would somehow turn up, and listening. Listening to one story after another. The rivers of stories.

Everywhere you go here, there is still only one conversation. Our town is sheltering people that fled for their lives with only the shirt on their backs and everyone is impacted.

herbs for fire season: rose petal

A Tea to Support the Lungs and Heart

Hopefully recovering from a firestorm is not your reality right now, but I just can’t seem to write about anything else. Over and over, I kept thinking of sharing the herbal tea recipe with you that we are drinking but then doubting that was too small, so trivial in face of the scale of trauma all around.

Then, finally I settled on yes. The small acts are important. The tea we drink, how we take care of ourselves during times like these matter, so we can show up at the shelters and volunteer in the kitchens that are cooking and feeding people non-stop.

So we can just be present for each other.

The hydration, the moisture, the tea…. helps us calm the fire within us when there is stress all round.

Herbs for Fire Season and Wildfire Smoke

Here is a list of the magnificent herbs that can help with wildfire smoke inhalation and support the lungs and heart during this time of fire.

As I make each batch of tea, I say thank you out loud to the herbs. I feel truly grateful to feel a connection with each of these plants and learn new things about their medicine every day.

herbs for wildfire smoke: mallow leaf

Wild Mallow Leaf (Malva neglecta)

This wild weed is doing just that right now: growing wild. When you take a bite out of mallow, you feel the slime, or mucilaginousness (I made that word up). The mucilaginous quality of mallow helps counteract dry heat. It is a wonderful tea for dry, hot days (or when the wildfire smoke is so thick you can’t go outside). It helps to soothe and cool. For us living here in the air that is full of particles from the burnt buildings, support for keeping our lungs moist and functioning well is critical.

Marshmallow Root (Althaea officinalis)

If you don’t have any wild mallow growing, it isn’t an herb you can readily find dried through herb distributors like Mountain Rose Herbs. You can use marshmallow root instead of wild mallow leaf. Marshmallow root is hydrating, soothing and also helps support the immune system during fire season.

herbs for fire season: passionflower

Passionflower Leaf (Passiflora incarnata)

I have passionflower growing in my garden right now, but use your favorite nervine in this tea. Passionflower, skullcap, and chamomile are all good herbs for fire season.

Just adding a little passionflower helps with the stress and trauma. I was out of town for a couple of days and it was amazing to hear people having conversations about something other than the fire. As soon as I got back into town, I stopped at the store and once again the grief and stress was palpable.

herbs for fire season: rose petal

Rose Petal (Rosa spp.)

You can use any fresh or dried rose petals. Rose petals are refreshing, calming and for me, the beauty they bring to the tea is healing.

Fennel Seed (Foeniculum vulgare)

Fennel seed supports the lungs, digestive tract and the nerves. Fennel helps with wheezing and hoarseness. Many people are hoarse from all the smoke. There is a powerful “lung grunge” going on around here. Fennel can help soothe and open the lung tissue so you can breathe easier.

Peppermint (Mentha x piperita)

Peppermint is diaphoretic, so it will help keep the sinuses open and relieve congestion.

herbs for wildfire smoke: aloe vera

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera juice (not gel) is soothing and moistening and helps to calm the internal fire that prolonged stress can cause.

Coconut Water

Coconut water provides electrolytes to help you keep hydrated.


Cucumbers are another good source of electrolytes.

Firestorm Tea

Author: Kami McBride


  • 1/2 gallon water
  • 2 tbsp fresh mallow leaf OR marshmallow root
  • 2 tbsp fresh or dried passionflower leaf
  • 1 tbsp fresh or dried rose petal
  • 1 tbsp fennel seed
  • 1 tbsp fresh or dried peppermint
  • ¼ cup aloe vera juice
  • ½ cup coconut water
  • Cucumber slices for garnish


  • Put the water and herbs into a half-gallon Mason jar.
  • Put the lid on the jar and set jar out in the sun for 2 to 4 hours.
  • Strain the herbs from tea and add the aloe vera juice and coconut water.
  • Garnish with sliced cucumber.

Firestorm Tea: Herbs for Wildfire Smoke

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